
Monday, April 17, 2023

Easy Ways To Improve Your Relationship With Exercise In 2023

 It certainly isn’t easy to find the motivation to get up off the sofa and work out when you have low energy levels, however the countless health benefits of regular exercise make it more than worth your while to drag yourself to your feet

It’s essential that you can fall back in love with exercise if you want to feel your best both physically and mentally, and there’s truly no time like the present to figure out how to make exercise more enjoyable than ever before. 

However, while you rekindle your appreciation of fitness, you can start by introducing natural ways to exercise during your day. For instance, standing desks are a fantastic option to prevent excessive sitting while you work. Considering an average work day of 8 hours, spending this time at a standing desk can be a game-changer to make peace with exercising. It goes without saying, if you are using a standing desk, you want the right setup, starting with fast connectivity which you can get from some of the best satellite internet packages (as they reach to even the most rural locations across the USA). Additionally, you will also need adequate wrist rest, keyboard incline, and screen light shield. But, essentially, this simple change of work setup can already prepare your body for more. That being said, a standing desk does not replace exercising; it simply facilitates the transition.

Fortunately, this handy guide contains a range of brilliant recommendations that you can make the most of to boost your relationship with exercise in no time at all. So, what are you waiting for? Read on to learn more now!

Image Source - Pexels 

Search For A Team Sport & Don’t Exercise Alone

A great way to boost your relationship with exercise is by finding a team sport. A team sport can help to keep you motivated and inspired, as you have the added commitment of having to represent and support your team in the sport that you are playing together. Joining up to a new sports team can also be such a fun and enjoyable opportunity, as you can expect to make some brilliant friendships that can encourage your workouts to feel more like a social outing instead! The added competition factor of a team sport can also be of benefit when it comes to motivation and inspiration, as playing a tournament or match will definitely encourage you to give it your all.

There are so many different team sports that you can try out, from soccer to baseball and more, so take a look online and identify which attractive options are on offer in your local area. You can even find a local fitness club to see whether they host any team sports, classes or group training sessions, as these options can be just as effective as an established team sports. 

Improve Your Diet & Eat High Energy Food

It’s so important that you can take the opportunity to consume high energy foods if you want to take your exercise regime to a whole new level, as your body needs masses of stable fuel in order to thrive! Choosing to consume nothing but fast food and junk will cause you to crash and burn, experiencing symptoms such as the shakes while battling against extreme fatigue when the sugar rush finally wears off. 

Rather than indulging in such detrimental dishes,  you should instead aim to eat healthy, balanced whole-foods. These will stand a much better chance of providing you with a slow release of good energy, leaving you feeling raring to go whenever you decide to start exercising! Make sure that you include a portion of complex carbohydrates in your pre workout meal, eaten around 1-2 hours before you start moving, as something like brown rice, a sweet potato or some whole grains can provide you with the energy you need to smash your workout from start to finish. 

Good luck with your quest to fall back in love with working out! 

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