Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Getting Your Winter Skincare Routine Right

Winter can be hard in many different ways. Few of us enjoy being cold or having to spend more on keeping our homes warm. You might face costly repairs at home or weather damage. Most of us suffer from winter coughs, colds and stomach bugs throughout the season. You might also have problems with dry skin, spots, red patches and sore lips and nose. 

But winter isn’t all bad. There’s plenty to look forward to. You also might enjoy getting cozy at home with hot chocolates, soft furnishings and chunky knits. So, let’s take a look at some ways to improve your winter skincare routine so that sore skin doesn’t ruin the season for you. 

Take Care of Your Makeup

First, stick to quality makeup. Try to avoid cheap brands, filled with chemicals and instead shop for lashes here, and look for makeup with only natural ingredients that won’t harm your skin. 

Then, take care of it. Throw old damaged makeup away. Clean your brushes regularly, and make sure you close lids and seal tops after use. 

Take Your Makeup Off

Sleep is your body's chance to rest and recover. When you get enough sleep, you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. The same is true for your skin. But, it can’t rest if it’s still covered in makeup. 

So, before you go to bed, cleanse, removing any makeup gently, and apply toner and moisturizer. If possible, try to have at least one day a week where you don’t wear any makeup at all, for an extended rest. 

Stick to One Brand

The skin on your face is delicate. It’s having a hard time in winter already, being bashed by wind and cold air. Introducing too many chemicals and ingredients can just make things worse. Keep things simple by sticking to the same brands of makeup and cleansers as much as possible. 

Massage Your Face

Massage is a beautiful way to boost circulation and improve skin tone. But our faces are neglected. Give yourself a gentle massage when you apply day and night cream. It will increase blood flow to your face, improve circulation and skin tone, and give you a bright, rosy glow. This can stop your skin drying out and prevent any greyness. 

Drink Lots of Water

Water is like a miracle drug for your body and mind, skin included. Drink more water to rehydrate, and your skin will be bright and clear all year round. It will have a better chance of avoiding spots and greasy patches as well as flakes and dryness. 

Cover Up

Winter weather batters our skin, especially in delicate areas like our hands and face that are exposed the most. Wear gloves, a hat and scarf when you go outdoors, and your skin won’t suffer as much. 

Don’t Forget Sunscreen

Sunscreen is still vital in the winter. If the sun is shining, you are exposed to UV rays, no matter how cold it is. Wear sunscreen on any parts of your body that are out when you are outside to prevent sun damage. 

Give it Some Extra TLC

If your skin isn’t feeling its best, make a homemade face mask to give it some extra TLC and get it back to its best quickly. 

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