Tuesday, September 12, 2017

From Music to Motorsport - 7 Tips to Finding The Quintessential Niche Gift For Your Partner

Sometimes, buying gifts for a partner can be tricky, especially if your partner is one of those people that doesn’t talk about things they want or like very much. There are ways to find out what your significant other wants, and part of that is by being on high-alert for information when there aren’t any gift-giving opportunities coming up.

For instance, near Father’s Day, gifts for men are everywhere, and he might not talk much about things that he wants in that time. However, in the middle of May when there’s nothing coming up, he might let his guard down a bit. To help you with your quest to find the quintessential gift for you partner, we’ve put together a list of things to keep in mind during your search.


Firstly, and perhaps most obviously, you should examine your partner’s interests to see if there’s anything they love or they need in those interests that you could provide for them. Does your girlfriend adore vintage clothing items, or antique farming equipment? Maybe a subtle trip to a country antique center will lead her to reveal to you exactly what she wants unwittingly. Does your boyfriend absolutely love comic books? A convention in your home city can be the ideal place to see what grabs his eye.


Hobbies are the next thing to consider, especially if you’ve been together a little longer and you’re looking for a bit more of a substantial gift to give. If your partner loves threadwork, sewing, or clothing-making in general, why not get them a high-quality sewing machine? If your girlfriend is interested in furniture making, there are plenty of hand tools and smaller power tools you can buy to get her started.


A lifestyle-based gift is something a little more substantial again, and can include something large like a furniture item. If your significant other loves reading by a window, maybe a high-end comfortable chair to sit in can be your gift of choice. Alternatively, if you find that they love getting up early to run 5mk before work, maybe a really nice pair of running shoes will help them in that particular lifestyle choice.


Quirks are better to base smaller gifts off of, and often can be something little to give to someone on any ordinary day. There are plenty of places to buy small trinkets and gifts from on the internet, and more than ever, quirky things are becoming common items to find online. If your partner is fond of picnics, you can get them a tortilla-styled blanket to use on days out, or if he likes a particularly funny image, you can find websites that offer blankets and pillow cases printed with that image.


Buying someone something they outright tell you that they want is the easiest way to pick a gift for someone, but it also means they’re likely going to know what you got them and therefore will be less surprised. There’s less espionage involved in outright buying a gift for someone that they’ve stated they want, but there’s also less guesswork.


Buying someone something they need is a kind of grey area in gift-giving, because while it is something that they will appreciate and use, it’s also likely less fun and spontaneous than a gift that they’d just like. Things like a new pair of shoes when the old ones are wearing through, work pants when the original pair don’t fit, a new set of wheels for a car, or anything else that can be considered a “need” all make great gifts, but they might not hold the “magic” of a wanted item.


Finally, for the tight-lipped person who refuses to acknowledge any gift-giving days or is constantly vigilant in not telling you what they want, experiences are the answer. Your partner might feel bad about being given an expensive gadget or gizmo, but a hot air balloon ride over a vineyard will last a lifetime in their mind.

With these tips you are now equipped to buy a present for any person, for any occasion, so there’s no reason to hold back any longer! Get out there and find the perfect thing for your special someone.

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