Monday, August 7, 2017

6 Showering Mistakes That Can Cause Breakouts (Guest Post)

Taking a shower can help you feel refreshed and clean. But, are you doing it properly?

Unhealthy showering habits can take a toll on your skin. Not only will you be prone to breakouts but you can also end up with clogged pores, irritated skin and dull complexion.

These things won’t only affect the way you look, they can be quite uncomfortable, too.

To promote healthier habits and to end your problems with acne, here are 6 showerings mistakes and what you can do to correct them.

1. You’re not changing your sponge
When you have acne, it can be quite tempting to scrub them off of your skin with your sponge and loofah. While that can help with exfoliation, it’s actually not the best thing you can do for your skin, especially if you’ve been using the same sponge or loofah for quite awhile now.

When you leave or hand your sponge in the bathroom to dry, the high humidity in the area can encourage bacterial growth. So, instead of clearing your acne, your dirty sponge can end up giving you more breakouts.

The best way to avoid that? Avoid rubbing your skin with bacteria-filled sponges.

Instead, invest in antibacterial sponges so you won’t have to worry about your bath tool attracting microbes. You can also try konjac sponges.

They are made with natural konjac fibers and come with activated charcoal. They have antibacterial properties and they can help draw out skin impurities.

2. You’re using the wrong soap

A lot of soaps today are formulated with sodium hydroxide which can disrupt your skin’s pH. You can end up with too dry or too oily skin.

They can also strip your skin’s natural oils and this can leave your skin vulnerable not just to bacteria but damage, too.

For body acne, pick a cleanser that can eliminate impurities and fight off acne-causing bacteria. Using a benzoyl peroxide body wash is good since it has both properties.

If you aren’t comfortable using a medicated body wash, there are a lot of natural ingredients for acne you can use. Good examples include tea tree oil, green tea and witch hazel.

Go with fragrance-free products as they have less chances of causing negative skin reactions.

3. You’re not moisturizing right away
Showering can help cleanse your skin but it can also leave it dry. Since it promotes dryness, you have to bring back your skin’s moisture right away.

Don’t wait too long before applying your moisturizer or lotion. Do it after cleansing your face and washing your body.

In choosing your moisturizer, make sure you are using one that won’t clog your pores. Pick a product that’s lightweight and won’t make your skin oilier than it already is.

You can use commercial skin care products or you can create your own. Natural moisturizers that can work well with your skin type include jojoba oil and olive oil.

These two contain a good amount of vitamin E which can help nourish your skin- minus the breakout.

4. You’re not scrubbing your back

Your back, like the rest of your body, can sweat and produce oil. If you have been experiencing more breakouts in that area, it’s probably because you’re not cleansing it well enough.

Apart from sweat and oil, hair products can also linger on your back, especially if you have really long hair. Trapped sweat and bacteria due to tight bras and clothes can also cause acne in your back.

While in the shower, make sure to pay more attention to your back. Your body wash might not be enough so get yourself a brush with a long handle.

Choose one without synthetic bristles. A better option would be one with antibacterial properties because, again, leaving your brush or sponge in your bathroom can attract loads of bacteria. 

5. You’re using the wrong shampoo
When it comes to backne, your bath soap isn’t the only thing you have to be cautious of. Your shampoo can also trigger breakouts, especially when it comes in contact with your skin.

Shampoos with silicones and those loaded with conditioning ingredients and oils can cause troubles. Products with ammonium lauryl sulfate and sodium lauryl sulfate can cause problems for acne-prone skin, too. Even products with panthenol, an ingredient that is supposed to help strengthen hair, can also trigger breakouts.

To know the right hair products for you, you may need to do a bit of trial and error. Introduce one new hair product at a time so you can clearly see where your scalp and skin are reacting negatively, too.

Choose products that are natural and made with lesser ingredients. Using natural products means less allergic reactions and chemical buildup.

Apart from that, you should also consider washing your hair less as overusing products is bad for acne, too. If you worry about sleeping with a dirty hair, try to put your hair up before getting to bed.

This way, you won’t be rolling over dirty and oily hair at night.

6. Showering with hot water

Using hot water when showering can feel really good. But, for your skin, it might not spell the same good news.

Hot water can strip the skin’s natural oils, leaving it dry and dehydrated. If you have acne-prone or oily skin, this can be a problem.

When your skin is dry, it finds a way to compensate and protect itself. One way it does that is by increasing your skin’s oil production.

This excess oil can lead to more skin problems. Just think of clogged pores, dull complexion and more skin breakouts.

You can end up with more breakthrough shine, too.

Not because you are showering means you’re doing your skin a favor. In fact, showering and doing these 5 mistakes can do more harm to your skin than good.

For your skin’s health, it really pays to be more conscious of what you are applying on your skin, whether it’s your showering tool, shampoo or soap. Not because a product claims to do wonders means it’s going to be effective for you.

Hannah Do is the founder of Thank Your Skin, a beauty blog dedicated to providing honest skin care advice and information. She aspires to help her readers achieve their most beautiful skin by sharing personal tips learned through both years of experience and thorough research. Click here to check out her latest article. You can find her on Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook.

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