
Thursday, June 9, 2016

Be Chic Literate: The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time by Arianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington is the cofounder and editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post and the book was inspired by the day in 2007 when she collapsed from exhaustion and how that became her wakeup call. She wrote about the experience in her #1 NYT bestselling book Thrive and as she traveled the country talking with people, the issue that folks brought up most often was sleep and how they weren’t getting enough of it. Arianna – who after her collapse, learned how to prioritize sleep and went from sleep amateur to sleep pro – wrote The Sleep Revolution to help the rest of us do the same. In the book, she becomes our personal sleep evangelist, coach, and champion. She compiles the latest research about just how sleep-deprived we are, the havoc it wrecks on us personally and collectively, and uses the latest cutting-edge research and science to lay out a roadmap of practical tips to help us get to sleep. {Book provided for review/feature consideration}

Nobody knows sleep deprivation quite like parents. Luckily, Arianna can help. In the book, Arianna includes a wealth of information for parents, and not only does she address how parents can get more and better sleep, but also how parents can raise better sleepers and teach their children to value, respect, and prioritize sleep. She offers helpful, concrete tools, tips, and language parents can use to help revolutionize sleep in their households.

Until next time...

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