Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Unglue Your Kids From Their Devices with KoalaSafe!

Do you have kids? Are they constantly on their devices? My kids are obsessed with playing games {and for my teen it's all about social media}, so their eyes are constantly glued to their iPad and Chrome Books. When the hubby or  I let them know screen time is up, we're suddenly transformed into super villains and met with a cacophony of moans, groans, and whines. I used to wish I could just turn the internet off, and now with KoalaSafe, I can. {Product provided for review/feature consideration}

KoalaSafe is a router with a wireless network that, along with it's app, can be scheduled to not only "turn off" the internet, but monitor the sites that your kiddos are looking at.

Parents faced with addicted smart-device kids have an ally on their side with KoalaSafe! Create a “KoalaSafe Moment” right from the start by limiting online time for kids and gain some much needed peace at home. KoalaSafe is a simple solution for the endless hours of screen time on connected devices.

KoalaSafe is a router with a wireless network that can be programmed to shut off. Easily connect kids’ devices to the network, and schedule when they can access the Internet. When it turns off, children know it’s time to put down that device and head off to do something else.

No more monitoring screen time or fights to kids get off their devices with KoalaSafe:

• Easy-to-use family-friendly WIFI access point
• Protect and manage all devices from one mobile device interface
• Set to turn off at specific times
• Block inappropriate sites and apps

After seeing his nephew become more addicted to online games and seeing his sister battling to manage screen time, founder Steve Pack created a better way to help parents regain some screen time balance.

Make your own “KoalaSafe Moment” with the wireless network router available for $99.

Until next time...

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